Doctors and residents
Dr. Bruno Dillemans
Bariatric and abdominal surgeon
Chief of staff of the Department of General Surgery AZ Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend AV
CV Dr. Dillemans
Dr. Sebastiaan Van Cauwenberge
General, Bariatric & Pediatric Surgeon.
Staff member of the Department of General Surgery AZ Sint-Jan AV
Super Specialization:
- 2010-2011: Pediatric Surgery, CHRU Lille
- 2008-2010: Obesity surgery and Advanced Laparascopic Surgery, AZ Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend AV
- Post-bariatric body contouring (abdominoplasty - tummy tuck, arm lifting, thigh lifting)
Surgical Training:
- 2006-2007: AZ Sint-Lucas, Ghent
- 2004-2006: AZ Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend AV
- 2002-2004: University Hospital, Ghent
- RBSS: Royal Belgian Society of Surgeons
- BAST: Belgian Association of Surgical Trainees
- BGES: Belgian Group of Endoscopic Surgeons
- BeSOMS: Belgian Section of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
- Resident Member of the American College of Surgeons
Dr. Jan Paul Mulier
Anesthesiologist at AZ Sint-Jan Bruges-Ostend AV
Chief of Staff Department of Anesthesiology
- 1995 Postgraduate applied economics KUL
- Ph.D.: Sept 1994, Penn University Pensylvania, Biomedical Research, A. Noordergraaf advisor. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, biomedische wetenschappen H Van Aken, advisor The ventricular pressure as a function of volume and flow, thesis
- 1990 Vlerick management school Gent
- Specialisation: 1988 Anesthesiology, intensive care and reanimation. 1986 ILT English. 1985 ILT French.
- M.D.: 1984 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. 1982 KUL Medical information technology. 1981 KUL Electronics for medical use.
- 2010: member of ISPCOP
- 2009: chief of ESPCOP (European society for peri operative care of the obese patient)
- 1999: founder of IPEC (international training for echocardiography)
- since 1996: chief of staff of the departement Anesthesiology, A.Z. Sint-Jan
- 1994 - 1995: professor KU Leuven
- 1992 - 1994: co-founder of the European NO research group
- ESA: European Society of Anesthesiology
- ASA: American Society of Anesthesiology
- STA: Society for Technology in Anesthesia
Resume Dr. Mulier
Dr. Taes Youri
The endocrinologist makes an evolution of the seriousness of the obesity based on the BMI, the outline of the waist, a general physical examination and a blood test. The doctor checks if there are hidden ilnesses of the obesity (for example: thyroïd and adrenal diseases). And also the cause of the health problems (such as articular problems, diabetes, increased blood pressure, cardio - vascular diseases,...).
Dr Lecot Frederik
Dr Tobias Van De Winkel