Adjustement diets:
To controle the weight, patients need to reduce the caloric intake to a level lower than the caloric consumption. This asks for foodadjustements without causing food shortage. Less calories does not always mean less quantities of food.
The composition of the food is the most important thing. That is why patïents need to see a dietician.
Physical excercise:
Also the consumption of calories is very important. This can be stimulated by physical excercises. An excercise from minimum 30 minutes a day (on top of your daily activities) and a moderate intensity. For example walking, swimming, running,...
The medication Orlistat (Alli/Xenical) reduces the absorption of fat. A study shows that Orlistat results in a very little weightloss.
Many studies show that a surgical intervention offers the highest chance of a succesful approach for each patient with morbid obesity.
There are 4 kinds of surgeries: